Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Freezer meals

It's been a while... I mean that sincerely... life has completely done a 180 for me! My last post, I was just getting started in the editor's seat at Tri-State Livestock News. Now I find myself relocated (not once, but twice) and with new faces in my life (two kids!). But I've just turned another year older, and I feel the urge to scratch my writing itch so to speak. Here goes...

This week I embarked on a new project - making freezer meals for someone in need. Now, I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of freezer meals that someone else has prepared (I mean, what goes in those things... and I can never seem to get them thawed/reheated properly), but when life throws you a curve, a freezer meal is a handy item to have. I began experimenting with some make-ahead meals before my second child was born. Those first few weeks, when I didn't have the energy to do anything more than change diapers of a newborn, nurse and chase after a nimble 19-month old I knew I had dinner covered thanks to those freezer meals.

So I admit that I'm breaking my initial rules. It's funny how your mind tricks you into thinking certain things, and how life reverse that thought. A few examples:
- I used to think baby showers, weddings, bridal showers, etc. were so doopy/sappy. Now I'd flip for a reason to welcome a new baby, pamper a new mom, and encourage a new bride/couple to follow their heart of love. I even find myself making excuses to shop for such occasions! Oh how fickle life can be! Heck, a good wedding reception counts as a romantic getaway now!
- I never used to by store brand canned items/products. It just seemed so... not the same as the big name brand. There is absolutely no scientific basis for my thinking there, it just seemed true. Now that I'm more frugal with my pennies, and more comfortable making dishes, I am drawn to those lesser-known-brands. And with no negative side effects (though to be honest, I do love to clip box tops for education and labels for education, which are often NOT on store-brand products).

And so it comes full circle with freezer meals. This week I embarked on making up 13 freezer meals (I gleaned this recipe link from perusing facebook and decided to give it a try). Why?! Because someone I knew in my circle of mom friends could use some meals. I don't know the full scoop, but let's just say having three kids at home, a husband to feed and bed rest does not equate to supper being made magically. Hopefully these meals will help. Before delving in to this cooking spree, I asked my husband if it would be OK to gift someone these meals. I told him, "I'll make all the meals, and split it with this other family. That way we'll have some, and they'll get some too."

Last night I made the last recipe, and we ate our portion for supper. It was pretty good. But again, I don't know how it will be "from the freezer."

Why is this such a big hub-bub for me? Blame it on my heart. My heart likes to think about other people. It likes to bring them joy, give them something meaningful... it likes to bless others. That's what I want this act to be seen as: a blessing. Even if the food is terrible. Even if they have no need for meals in the freezer. Even if they have food allergies/sensitivities I know nothing about (because I don't even know this family's last name), I hope that it will give another person on this planet hope and encouragement. That someone else is thinking of them. And maybe, just maybe, it will draw us closer together as women/mothers/wives. Who knows what one act of kindness can do for another?

1 comment:

amanda said...

I love seeing a blog post come up in my feed, Alaina. Your writing is a gift of inspiration - as is you cooking!