Friday, June 13, 2008

And today...

I saw the Lyndale Ave. doe's fawn on my morning run!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

That deer in the headlight look

I think I know the full meaning of "that deer in the headlight look." Oh sure, I've traveled enough to ambush many unsuspecting wildlife attempting to cross man's civilization, but last night's event tops them all.

It was raining in the Metro area. Enough so that softball was cancelled (boo-hiss!) and everyone made plans to stay snuggly and dry inside. Not me. I made sure to get my 5-mile run in for the day. Donning a neon green shirt, blue shorts and cap, I hit the door. It was only raining softly.

A few weeks back (see my last post), I had encountered a deer grazing near an apartment complex along South Lyndale. Well, as I neared the end of Lyndale, heading down a great big hill that separate's Missisippi's flood plain from development, out popped this beautiful doe. She was easy to see among the brilliant green leaves and slightly damp, heavy air - plus she was reddish-brown, more like Red Angus than doe-skin. It look my breath away.

The doe was crossing from one side of the road to the other (closer to I-35W, the poor beast!). It bounded out of the wood with a mission, but came to an abrupt stop as it saw me panting my way down the hill. She turned to retreat, but stood long enough to try and figure out what I was. We got within 10 feet of each other, each locked in a calming staredown. She leapt back into the wood, took two or three steps, and paused to look at me once more.

By the time I reached my turnaround (when I hit the river), I was silently thanking God for the beautiful and unexpected gifts he gives me. Just outside my window as I type this, a small bird came and sat on the ledge, twittering and peering in on me. It's so good to be alive and to be sensitive to the smallest of details.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Wow - wildlife!

Marathon training - correction, half marathon training continues. It's Tuesday, and I've already logged 21 miles (10 Sunday, 5 Monday, 6 this morning...)! And let me tell you, this week, even the wildlife are supporting me.

It began in Brookings, SD, where I tackled a new trail for the 10-mile effort. Basically, I got on the bike path and followed faded chalk markers from the Brookings Marathon (held May 10). Along my way, you wouldn't believe how many cottontail rabbits I saw - at least a dozen - and one that even wanted to race me. I knew about the cotton-tail plague in Brookings (hence South Dakota State University's mascot, the jackrabbit), so this didn't phase me. Later during my run, two ducks were getting "friendly" in a pond, if you know what I mean. It didn't matter what the wildlife were doing - the weather was fabulous, and no wind.

On Monday after work, I hit my favorite lake to run, Lake Nokomis (side note, this is where my fiance proposed to me!). It was a gloomy run, meaning the park was almost all but deserted - just the way I like it, except for the absence of dogs - I love running their for all the interesting combinations of canines I spot. But on my jog, I ran into a most likely creature - a painted turtle, just hanging out by a garbage can. I couldn't stop grinning after seeing that rascal. Coincidentally, he popped his head into his home at the sound of my labor breathing!

To top it all off, this morning was another gloomy run. On my way to the Mississippi Landing on S. Lyndale avenue, I surprised not only myself, but a white-tail deer nibbling on tender blades of grass at an apartment complex. Holy cow, of all things to see in Bloomington, MN, I didn't expect to see white tailed deer! Perhaps I should reconsider hunting on the family farm and set up a stand on Lyndale...