Thursday, September 2, 2010

Afternoon delight

Yesterday, I went out to feed my fish, and walked into a whole new world. No, my backyard had not metamorphosed into a huge swamp-like mosquito haven - that was earlier this summer. Instead, I hit the pinnacle of my gardening career: I walked into a world of butterflies.

I have no idea how many monarch descended in our backyard - but I felt like I walked into the scene of a "Better Homes and Gardens" photo shoot. Floating haphazardly throughout the still air were these peaceful creatures.

All I can say is the caterpillar/cocoon we waited so patiently to hatch all summer must have told his buddies.

I have no idea how long they will stay, but they managed to spend at least one evening at the "Ranch B&B." They tucked up into our maple tree overnight, looking exactly like leaves when dusk set in. We had quite a bit of rain overnight, but this morning when I did chores (read: fed fish, again), they were tucked up in clumps.

Three different branches were covered with these Monach delights.

How lucky of a girl am I?

1 comment:

amanda said...

Lucky girl, indeed!

All of our kids go through a thorough monarch butterfly education in 1st grade at HC. (It'll be Lilly's turn this year.)
We love learning about & observing them.

How awesome that you got to be part of their great migration path!!